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Find out more about the programme:

The Childnet Digital Leaders Programme is a youth leadership training programme empowering young people to educate their peers about online safety.

We are the only online safety charity in the UK delivering an online peer to peer programme that directly helps schools to embed online safety. Once on board, groups of Digital Leaders complete training through an engaging, informative and fun online platform, working through e-learning modules to equip them with the skills to become peer mentors in their schools, and help keep others safe online. When they are qualified, Digital Leaders are encouraged to advocate for online safety in their schools and communities by running offline and online activities, for which they will be awarded additional team achievement badges and points.

Watch our short film about the programme ⇒

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“My pupils are really enthusiastic about the training and love working through and gaining the badges!”

Carolyn Ellis-Gage from Norwich Road Academy, a primary school involved in the pilot – DO NOT USE

Impact and Reach


Total subscriptions to the programme


Qualified Primary and Secondary Digital Leaders across the UK


Percent of teachers said it has helped their school staff fulfil their safeguarding duties

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