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Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy – how we use your personal information

This Privacy Policy is for educators and educational settings taking part in the Childnet Digital Leaders Programme, and for Digital Leaders themselves. Where specific parts of the Policy adhere to either Digital Leaders or educators and educational settings, we have split the information clearly.

The safety of your personal information is something that we take very seriously and we are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. You may have heard of the General Data Protection Regulation (or GDPR); if you haven’t, it is legislation regarding how personal data can be stored and used and has been effective from 25th May 2018. This Privacy Policy has been written in accordance with GDPR. This Privacy Policy explains how we use, process and protect your personal information for the purposes of having you as a user on the platform. This includes data we gather in order to upload you as a user such as your name, email address and educational setting.

Please read the following carefully to understand our views and practices regarding your personal information and how we will treat it. If you are an educator from an educational setting that has expressed interest in, or joined, the Childnet Digital Leaders Programme, you may also see our Terms and Conditions on the Digital Leader Platform.

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    How does the Childnet Digital Leaders Programme and website use your personal information?

    Personal information is anything that can identify you, for example, your name, email address, how you found out about our services, or how you’ve accessed our sites. We will keep your personal information safe.

    For Digital Leaders

    The Childnet Digital Leaders platform will only display a limited amount of personal information (first name, first initial of your last name and educational setting) and we will not make your email address public.

    For educators and educational settings

    When you express interest in, or sign up to the Digital Leaders Programme through the Childnet Digital Leaders website, we collect information about you including your name, educational setting and contact email address. We will not make your email address public.

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    What information do you collect when I'm on the platform?

    For educators, educational settings and Digital Leaders

    Accessing our website and platform

    For security purposes, we do collect some personal information about you, for example, your IP address. This is so that we can block someone if they try and get into our site. We will keep this information for 6 months.

    Browsing our website

    The website automatically collects information about how users are accessing the site (including what badges they achieve and what activities they have completed). We will only share this kind of information to talk about statistics gathered from a big group of young people. We will never share information on an individual. The lead educator will be able to see statistics about individuals in your team. Digital Leaders can upload their own profile picture and we will not use your profile picture in other ways.

    Whilst using the Digital Leaders Platform we also collect anonymous information about your browsing session to help us improve our website. We are committed to ensuring that this information is collected, stored and used in an ethical way which observes UK data protection legislation.

    We use a tool called Google Analytics to collect this data. All of the data is stored securely on Google’s servers. In order to track your browsing across sessions, Google analytics will place a ‘cookie’ on your machine (a small text file that websites use to track and remember information across several browsing sessions). You can tell your web browser not to accept cookies if you don’t your data to be collected in this way (refer to your web browser’s help file for more information).

    For further details on Google Analytics and the Google Analytics privacy policy, please visit the Google Analytics website.

    The kind of data we collect includes the pages that you visit on the Digital Leaders platform, the number of times that you visit them, your operating system, your screen resolution, the version of your web browser and the country you’re visiting from.

    This data helps us:

    • To plan for future site developments
    • To identify any technical issues such as when users login to the site
    • To gauge the success of our competitions and modules
    • To identify periods of heavy site usage, to help forecast when is best to perform maintenance work on our server

    If you are able to access the Community, please bear in mind that the content you post will be seen by everyone on the platform (unless we need to remove it – please see our Community rules).

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    How do we share your information with other companies or organisations?

    For educators, educational settings and Digital Leaders:

    We do not provide any personal information to third parties for commercial purposes, so we will never rent or sell your personal information to other organisations.

    If you have given us permission to contact you, we pass on your details to third party companies and/or individuals to perform certain functions on our behalf. The third parties that we work with in order to carry out certain administrative functions are the following companies:

    If any third party requires access to your personal information then we will make sure that:

    • the third party agrees to use it only for the agreed function(s) and not for any other purposes
    • the third party agrees to process the personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy and as permitted by the UK’s data protection legislation
    • We may also share your personal information with a third party if
      • it is required or authorised to do so by law or for child protection purposes
      • we have your consent to do so

    Additionally, for educators and educational settings

    If you have expressed an interest in the Childnet Digital Leaders Programme but have not yet joined it, we will contact you to support your educational setting to try out the guest login before joining. This will include email contact using the address provided to us, using one or more third parties above to store and retrieve your contact details.  If you express an interest in the Childnet Digital Leaders programme and/or use the guest login, but then don’t go on to sign up to the programme, we will keep this information for up to one year.

    Once you are joined we send a Digital Leader newsletter to give you the latest updates about the programme. You can unsubscribe at any time.

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    Media consent

    We use images in a range of materials to promote Childnet as a whole and also to illustrate particular areas of our work like the Childnet Digital Leaders Programme. This includes (but is not limited to) publicity materials such as leaflets, brochures and posters, newspapers, magazine articles, television programmes, newsletters, social media and publications for the internet.

    From time to time we use quotes from Digital Leaders and educators to promote Childnet as a whole and the Childnet Digital Leaders Programme. If we want to use your quote along with your name, we will contact you to ask your permission.

    Specifically, for educators, educational settings and Digital Leaders

    We will ask for your permission before posting anything outside this platform that might identify you. For example, if you make a really amazing video and you feature in it, we will check with you to make sure you are happy for us to share it on our website, in our newsletter or social media.

    Additionally, for educators and educational settings

    When your educational setting subscribes to the programme, we will ask for optional Media Consent from Digital Leaders and from their parents/guardian. This gives permission for us to use photographs and images of Digital Leaders, and for us to securely store these for future use.

    We advise schools to follow their own GDPR compliant school regulations when sending us through Digital Leader consent forms.  We suggest if sending by post to use recorded mail and if emailing to use a password protected attachment.

    If young people and/or their parents/guardian do not consent to Childnet using such images, this does not affect young people being on the programme. Educators’ names and quotes may appear if they provide permission for this, related to stories, quotes or other content about your educational setting’s experience of the Childnet Digital Leader Programme. Digital Leaders can withdraw their Media Consent at any time by contacting The lead educator contact can also do this on their behalf.

    We will ask young people’s permission to share anything outside of the platform that they have posted on the Digital Leaders platform, as we recognise that they may not have explicitly given consent for it to be shared more widely.

    Additionally, for Digital Leaders

    When your educational setting subscribes to the programme, we will ask for optional Media Consent from you and from your parents. This gives permission for us to use photographs and images of you, and for us to securely store these for future use. If you and/or your parents do not consent to Childnet using images of you, this does not affect you being on the programme.

    We will ask your permission to share anything outside of the platform that you have posted on the Digital Leaders platform, as we recognise that you may not have explicitly given consent for it to be shared more widely.

    We will never fully identify you in conjunction with an image or video. We may use partial information such as first name and educational setting.

    We may use quotes that you have shared in your training, in the community, or in any evaluation, but we will only share this anonymously, or we will ask for your permission to quote it directly from you.

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    What happens if I don’t want you to keep my personal information?

    We will remove any/all of your data if you request us to, unless we have reasons to keep this. This may be because of a child protection issue for example.

    Photos, quotes and videos

    At any time, you can make a request for us to stop using an image/quote/video that includes you, or to remove all of the data that we have about you. Online photographs/quotes/videos will be removed immediately and printed or published footage will be removed for subsequent print runs and editions.

    Personal Information

    For Digital Leaders

    You can also request for us to remove all of the data we have about you, however this might affect your participation as a Digital Leader on the programme.

    For educators and educational settings

    You can request for us to remove all the data we have about you, however this will affect your educational setting’s participation on the Digital Leader Programme, unless alternative contact details can be provided to us.

    Digital Leaders, educators and educational settings can send this request to, or it can come from a parent/carer.

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    What happens after I have left the programme?

    For Digital Leaders

    We will securely store your personal information, which includes the parental and media consent form for up to 3 years (including name, email and website data) and then we will delete it all. We may use images or videos of you during that time (that we have permission to use) but as mentioned above, you do have the right to request that we stop using these at any time.

    We will keep some aggregate data (for example, evaluation statistics for the year you were in the programme) but no personal information.

    For educators and educational settings

    We will securely store your personal information, along with personal information about your educational setting’s Digital Leaders – which includes the parental and media consent form – for up to 3 years (including name, email and website data) and then we will delete it all. We may use images or videos of young people during that time (that we have permission to use) but as mentioned above, you do have the right to request that we stop using these at any time.

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    Taking part in research, evaluation or a survey

    We may ask you to take part in research or evaluate our services, website or activities related to the Childnet Digital Leaders programme or other areas of Childnet International’s work. Examples of this include telling us what you think of the Programme, or telling us what you think the government or digital industries or platforms should do to make the internet safer for young people. This means we may ask you for your personal information such as (but not limited to):

    • Name
    • Address
    • Gender
    • Age
    • (For educators and educational settings) Information about your organisation and your role

    We will only contact you about your responses if you have consented to being contacted. All results that we publish will be anonymised unless you consent to be identified for any particular reason (for example you want to provide a quote in support of our work). Any consent forms or records will be retained for as long as we need it for our purposes and not used for any other purpose.

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    Your responsibilities

    • Don’t share your personal information – for example, your full name, email addresses, social media profiles or phone number
    • Don’t post any personal information about others – and this includes sharing photos or videos without asking permission from that person first
    • Don’t share your username and password with friends or post these details online for others to see. Your account is for you and you alone.
    • If you would like to copy things from this platform and share somewhere else, for example a screenshot of the Leaderboard with your educational setting’s name at the top, please first make sure that it doesn’t reveal personal information about other Digital Leaders i.e. their name.

    Additionally, for educators and educational settings:

    If the educational setting’s main contact for the Childnet Digital Leaders Programme leaves during the subscription period or any other information such as name of educational setting, name of contact educator or email address changes, please contact us to provide updated information. You can do this via

    If in doubt, check with us!

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    Contacting us

    If you have questions about this privacy policy please feel free to contact us at

    You can also see our full Childnet Privacy Policy.

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    Changing this policy

    We reserve the right to change this Privacy Notice from time to time and suggest therefore that you review it periodically. We will make sure that if we do change this policy then it will be in accordance with GDPR.

    This version of the Privacy Policy was last updated on 3 September 2018.

The Digital Leaders programme is a Childnet International project, helping to make the internet a great and safe place for young people. Find out more about Childnet and the work we do.

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Frequently Asked Questions

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